Ma Magick

Your Gateway to Cosmic Masteryā˜¾ā˜¼

A Monthly Journey into Meditation, Star Medicine, God(dess) Consciousness and Elemental Wisdom

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Are you ready to become a member?Ā 


Transcend the chaos of these times with Ma Magick, a sacred space meticulously crafted to illuminate your sovereignty.

Join our astrologically based community, lovingly created by RaMa, for a lunar passage into Meditation, Star Medicine, God(dess) Consciousness and Elemental Wisdom.

Align with cosmic rhythms to crystalize your dreams.

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What Members are Saying

I am extremely grateful for this course. Having this lens to help me navigate the challenges of the Eclipses is definitely changing how I might have otherwise responded to the issues I've faced in Eclipse Seasons. I am offering up my prayers for peace, stability, health, and wealth for each human being on this planet!

ā€“Shelby MessengerĀ ā˜¾ā˜¼

This mini course offers great tips for coping during an Eclipse. Eclipses are powerful times to optimize your own life to bring more light to the Earth. Thank you RaMa for channeling this important information.

ā€“Dillpreit KaurĀ ā˜¾ā˜¼

RaMa is an inspired teacher and a sensitive, intuitive, yet direct astrologer. She excels in helping you see yourself, your life seasons and astrological rhythms in new and helpful ways. Now that Iā€™ve taken her astrology courses like Skywalkers and Eclipse Empowerment, Iā€™m listening to the recordings at a deeper level and getting even more out of my 1:1 astrological divination sessions.

ā€“Rosa Rasha ā˜¾ā˜¼

Within this Manifestation Council for Wisdomkeepers, you'll receive:

  • Monthly Astrological Transit Calendar: This downloadable pdf will highlight major astrological events and EarthSeed Temple Arts activities. (Valued at $11)
  • New Moon Transmission: RaMa explores lunar cycle themes through star medicine and God(dess) consciousness. (Valued at $33)
  • New Moon Intention Setting Guide: A downloadable guide to assist your manifestation process. (Valued at $11)
  • First Quarter Monthly Meditation and Tea Community Circle: Live and recorded intentional space for alignment so that you may be witnessed at the unique threshold of the First Quarter Moon. (Valued at $55)
  • Full Moon Celestial Sound Healing: A live and recorded broadcast to celebrate the Full Moon with an astrological transmission and sound healing. (Valued at $33)
  • Last Quarter Moon Reflections: This check-in will encourage you to reflect on how your personal astrology is intertwined with the collective patterns of this lunar cycle. (Valued at $11)
  • Balsamic Moon Prompt for Dreamtime: Curated prompts for dream exploration to distill the wisdom of the Moon. (Valued at $11)
  • Cosmic Playlist: A monthly playlist inspired by the unique astrological weather. (Valued at $11)
  • Community Connection: Engage with fellow members, share your creations, access resources, and more. (PRICELESS)
  • 11% Discount Code: On private sessions, masterclasses, and councils by EarthSeed Temple Arts. (Savings potential of $65+ annually)


Join today
Hi, Iā€™m RaMaĀ 

Iā€™m the pillar of EarthSeed Temple Arts.

I am an international woman of medicine, artist, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer, yogic scientist and the creatrix of the podcast Stars, Stones, and Stories.Ā 

Iā€™ve studied the art of starkeeping and tarot for over 30 years and holds a MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with merit through The Sophia Centre at the University of Wales. Iā€™ve been practicing as a professional astrologer since 2017 and have read over thousands of birth charts for clients globally.

My prayer for you is that you ride the waves of consciousness knowing that you are strong, you are resilient, that you are meant to thrive, and that it is a blessing to be alive here in these radical times.


Each month you will be guided through the four primary phases of the moon and offered key insights on how to work with the specific rhythms of each monthā€™s unique astrology to maximize magick in your life through star medicine, meditation, God(dess) consciousness, elemental wisdom and community support.Ā 

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Each month you will be guided through the four primary phases of the moon and offered key insights on how to work with the specific rhythms of each monthā€™s unique astrology to maximize magick in your life through star medicine, meditation, God(dess) consciousness, elemental wisdom and community support.Ā 

Join now